Sex, Alcohol and Drugs: Migrants ‘Destroy’ New York Hotels

by John Palomino


A New York luxury hotel is being “vandalized” by immigrants, who have been accused of drinking all day, smoking marijuana, having sex on the stairs and starting fights, an employee told Fox News on Thursday.

“The chaos we see on The Row today is [caused] by immigrants who are drunk, drinking all day, smoking marijuana [and] doing drugs, ” Row NYC employee Felipe Rodriguez said of what he called “shameful.”

The complaint highlighted the “chaos” at the Hotel Row after New York’s Democratic Mayor, Eric Adams , declared a state of emergency in response to the thousands of immigrants who have taken buses into the Big Apple in the past few years. last months.Immigrants are temporarily housed with taxpayer contributions at this luxurious 1,300-room Manhattan hotel, where a single night can cost up to $500.

Rodriguez said The Row is dealing with “domestic violence” between immigrants, young people “having sex on the stairs” and a fight between a foreigner and a hotel security guard.

He further shared videos of fresh “good food” rotting in garbage bags because “migrants don’t want to eat it” because they don’t like it.

He also denounced abuses by migrants, explaining that the employees lost control of the hotel and the migrants began to believe they owned the place.

“The upkeep of the rooms is horrible. They don’t clean, they don’t fold clothes. They accumulate clothes, they accumulate what they can accumulate.”

Rodríguez said he had trouble paying his car, gas and electricity bills in 2017, but the migrants don’t have any of those chores.

“There were a lot of things I had to take responsibility for. Fortunately for the migrants, the US government gave them carte blanche to pretty much do whatever they wanted. They go into the hotel of their own free will.”

As of December 14, at least 31,000 of these migrants had been processed by the city’s reception center.

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John Palomino is a reporter for ADN America.
Photo “Illegal Immigrants” by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.




Reprinted with permission from ADN America.

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2 Thoughts to “Sex, Alcohol and Drugs: Migrants ‘Destroy’ New York Hotels”

  1. fretsward

    We can all stop with calling them migrants or the risible immigrants. They are illegal aliens. Cheaters. Liars. Squatters. Criminals. Thieves.

    I live in occupied Los Angeles, Mexico.

    Through a continuous giant middle finger to our laws, this resentful irredentist demographic obsessed with becoming the dominant population, all while using the birthright citizenship theft as the means to infiltrate every institution for the benefit of their people. Latinos born to illegal alien parents have taken opportunities not meant for them. Here in Los Angeles, they are the City Council, City Supervisor, District Attorney, Insurance Commissioner, LAPD (56% Latino), LA Sheriff’s Department (99% Latino), California Highway Patrol (96% Latino), LA Fire Department (47% Latino), LA Coroner, LA Ports Director, all Union bosses, all Labor bosses, all City Workers, all County Workers, all construction workers, truck drivers, delivery drivers, LA Newspaper writers and opinion, local TV news anchors and reporters. All are illegitimates. There are 29 Spanish language radio stations (yet they are taking slots at English-language stations). Go to the bank a Bank of America/Wells Fargo/Citi Bank, shopping, supermarkets, coffee shops, purchase a phone at a T-Mobile store, go to a restaurant, or to any fast food restaurant — anywhere, all employees or managers are Latino. They are passing the BAR as noncitizens; have become judges; they are the overwhelming majority of children in our schools who outnumber our kids 400-to-1, and they get in-state tuition paying less for college than actual citizens.

    They control our state government: Linda Sanchez (D-CA), Raul Ruiz (D-CA), Salud Carbajal (D-CA), Juan Vargas (D-CA), Jimmy Gomez (D-CA), J. Luis Correa (D-CA), Pete Aguilar (D-CA), Tony Cardenas (D-CA), Nanette Diaz Barragan (D-CA), Jimmy Gomez (D-CA), Jim Costa (D-CA), Adam B. Schiff (D-CA), Cecilia M. Aguiar (D-CA), Joaquin Arambula (D-CA), Mia Bonta (D-CA), Lisa Calderon (D-CA), Sabrina Cervantes (D-CA), Wendy Carrillo (D-CA), Cristina Garcia (D-CA), Eduardo Garcia (D-CA), Mike Levin (D-CA), Raul Ruiz (D-CA), Jose Medina (D-CA), Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-CA), James C. Ramos (D-CA), Eloise Gomez Reyes (D-CA), Luz M. Rivas (D-CA), Juan Vargas (D-CA), Robert Rivas (D-CA), Freddie Rodriguez (D-CA), Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), John Garamendi (D-CA), Grace Napolitano (D-CA), Blanca E. Rubio (D-CA), Rudy Salas, Jr. (D-CA), Miguel Santiago (D-CA), Norma Torres (D-CA), Nanette Barragan (D-CA), Salud Carbajal (D-CA), Lou Correa (D-CA), Pete Aguilar (D-CA), Carlos Villapudua (D-CA), Alex Padilla (D-CA).

    They are rewritting our laws to give illegal aliens the advantage over American citizens. These assembly and senate bills were written by La Raza Latino CA politicians:

    *AB 60: One of the biggest middle fingers to the nation created by Latino Assemblyman Gil “One Bill” Cedillo and now adopted by 17 states that also have majority Latino Demoncat Party infiltrations allows illegal aliens, excuse me, undocumented individuals to obtain a California state driver license with automatic voter registration.

    *SB 174: amends existing state law to allow the appointment of any resident over the age of 18 to a civil office regardless of citizenship or immigration status. “California is stronger when we utilize talents of all our residents, and opening state and local boards and commissions to every Californian will allow us to better serve our diverse communities,” anchor baby Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens and the bill’s author, said in a statement. “Undocumented Californians are our neighbors, co-workers and parents, and as lawmakers we can’t make good policy if their voices are left out of the discussion.”

    *SB 960: allows non-citizens to become police officers in the state. Removes the provision that an individual must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States in order to become a police officer. The bill makes no distinction between legal immigrants and illegal aliens bill. “Existing law, with certain exceptions, prohibits a person who is not a citizen of the United States from being appointed as a member of the California Highway Patrol. This bill would remove that prohibition, and would make conforming changes,” the bill states.

  2. Joe Blow

    Just poor people looking for a place for a better job (sac). I wonder how they bought all of that beer.
